And Then….This

Recently, I noted a sharp uptick in visits from folks in Russia. I love the international nature of the readership here, and I appreciate the time everyone takes to come visit my little corner of the web.

It turns out, a very cool Russian naval history discussion site posted a link to my article about the U.S. Navy’s accidental bombing and strafing of a Russian tanker. Actually, it was a U.S.-built tanker, turned over to the Russians so they could carry war material back to the Motherland from U.S. West Coast ports.

As I scrolled through the comments and used Google translate to be able to (almost) understand them, I came across this gem that is so awesome that I had to share it with y’all. Keep in mind, Google translate might not be 100% accurate here….

“The bastard! X s allies…..! Box of poisoned banana monkey black in the mouth! Let devour, and then we’ll see the sanction may be canceled. This cannot be forgiven, especially oblizyanam as written in ‘Tsushima’.  I am outraged to the limit! Attacked our in anything neuvinovaty but still off the coast of our Kamchatka. This cannon be forgiven!”

Okay, wow. This has to be the all time greatest response to anything I’ve ever written. Ever. So, I would like to say to this fine Russian patriot:  Do remember that this attack was a terrible accident that happened because our two nations had joined together to fight for a common good. As far as the current sanctions go–if our leaders could only honor the common heritage and bond shared between us during the darkest hours of our nations’ histories, perhaps we would find common ground, cooperation and lasting peace.

Google Translate version of what I just wrote there above:

Не забывайте, что это нападение было ужасным несчастным, что случилось, потому что наши две страны уже объединились, чтобы бороться за общее благо. Насколько нынешние санкции го-если наши лидеры могли только почтить общее наследие и связь общего между нами в самые темные часы истории наших народов, возможно, мы бы найти общий язык, сотрудничества и прочного мира.

(sorta hope that translation is better than the one I got, lest we start WWIII by miscommunication). 🙂

Please check out the site in Russia. It has many, many cool photos from Russia’s rich naval heritage. And the comment I’ve quoted above is at the bottom of the page. 🙂,99–istoricheskie-fotografii-4.html



John B

Categories: Uncategorized | 9 Comments

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9 thoughts on “And Then….This

  1. The address of the Russian forum with question on Lt Price’s attack:
    The discussion is quite intelligent, without any outrageous comments.
    Are you referring to some other forum?

    • Hi Bilchenko,

      The link you provided is a very interesting discussion! Thank you for posting it. I linked the comment that I saw in the “And Then….This” post.

      Thank you for reading, and if I can be of any help to your forum, I’d be happy to provide the documents I have from 11th AF HQ, and Fleet Air Wing 4.

      Thanks Again, and Best Wishes,

      John R Bruning

      • Dear John,
        It is good to hear from you!
        Thank you kindly for your offer to share the documents, that will be great! I myself have been collecting materials from all the sides involved in North Pacific conflict for some time, and always glad to join the effort of exploring this largely unknown part of history.
        With great appreciation of your work,

      • Boris,

        I am flattered, and thank you so much for your kind words. I am currently working on my next book up in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. I use a cabin in the woods to get away from the world and focus on writing. As soon as I get home, I’ll post the documents.

        Take Care,
        John R. Bruning

      • Boris, send me your email address and I will email the documents to you. I found them in the 11th Air Force and Fleet Air Wing 4 files back in 2004. At the U.S. National Archives. I was working on a CD-Rom multimedia project for the Dutch Harbor museum at the time.



      • Dear John,
        Thank you kindly!

    • Pavel

      Другой, на аэробазе.,99–istoricheskie-fotografii-4.html
      Там товарищ тоже получил предупреждение за флейм и поддержан не был.

  2. Pavel

    Thank you John for the truth which is sometimes unpleasant, but must be known! And sorry for my compatriot: his “emotion” was nothing but trolling. Not all Russians are the same, most of us understand you right.
    Pavel from Kamchatka.

    • Pavel,

      Thank you for the note my friend! Your compatriot’s emotions and heart were in the right place. He loves his country, and that is never wrong. The great thing about the internet is that it allows all of us complete freedom to say whatever we choose.

      The people of Russia and the United States have a shared history in many ways. We have been Allies; we have been rivals. In both cases, we accomplished great things as nations because of our relationship. And if we work together again, as we did in World War II, we could accomplish even more.

      My best to you, and thank you for reading!

      John R. Bruning

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